Hello everyone!
I’ve decided it’s time to try this blogging thing again (oh yes, a silly new years resolution for 2023). I intend to make my blog about my journey in learning new things (mostly information security and cybersecurity)
Some of the things you might find me writing on are related to CPE credits I need to maintain my CISSP certification.
I’m active on LinkedIn, but sometime I feel that my posts on that platform are not necessarily the best place for the content. Maybe I’ll copy/past here and keep them in both locations. A frequent question I get is “what did you do to prepare for CISSP?” That will probably be a post that I can just link people to instead of digging through my posts on LinkedIn to find it.
Other things I might post on are TryHackMe. Not necessarily walk throughs (there’s plenty of them out there, and yes I look at them when I get stuck). A good summary would be great for cool things I come across.
I also take courses and webinars and might review them.
Thanks for stopping by. I encourage anybody to comment and share on anything I write here. I hope to be a resource to you and the community. I am on a mission to make the world a safer, more secure, and better place for everyone.